Tag Archives: Electric Power

Project Spotlight: Fault Locate & Repair

The purpose of this project in Haverford, Pennsylvania, was to fix a faulted underground electric cable in a residential neighborhood. Repairing the cable would prevent further damage to the cable or surrounding infrastructure and enhance the reliability of the electrical distribution system.

When the team got to the location, they used a Mega Beast 80-amp service tester and SPITFIRE secondary fault locator to pinpoint the location of the underground cable fault.

Once the fault was located, the team cut out the damaged portions of the cable and spliced them together using four connectors. Three feet of heatshrink tubing was placed over the splices and heated to conform closely to the cable and splices, insulating the material. Lastly, the repaired cable was tested to ensure it was secure and functioning correctly.

InfraSource crews worked tirelessly to repair the fault, ensuring disruptions to homes and businesses were
kept to a minimum. They successfully prevented a hazardous situation from occurring and reduced the likelihood of future outages.