Tag Archives: Safety

Dive Deeper Inside the Good Catch Program

Safety is paramount in any organization, and our Good Catch program has proven highly effective. From near misses to proactive interventions, our employees have been instrumental in preventing accidents and ensuring a safe work environment.

The Good Catch Program encourages employees to report safety concerns and potential hazards. It empowers everyone—from frontline workers to management—to actively participate in maintaining a safe workplace. This program continues to provide us with countless safety success stories to share.

This first Good Catch is a bit different from others. On an ordinary workday, the crew had closed a one-way road using cones and signs. One of the crew members suddenly noticed an unexpected situation. A third-party vehicle was speeding down the opposite way of the work zone, being pursued by two police officers. The vehicle was believed to be going at least 70 mph. Without hesitation, he shouted to his crew, “Look out!” His vigilance and prompt action allowed the entire team to escape harm’s way. His awareness and quick thinking protected both himself and his colleagues from a potentially dangerous situation.

This next safety success story involves an improper hot line clamp. One day, our crew was assigned to replace a split cross arm. As they prepared for the job, they noticed an improperly installed transformer hotline clamp on the stirrup. Without hesitation, they initiated a stop timeout to address the issue safely. By adhering to STKY rules and utilizing their stop timeout authority, they prevented an unscheduled transformer outage.

These incidents powerfully remind us of the importance of staying alert and taking decisive steps to prevent potential hazards. Our commitment to safety remains unwavering through the Good Catch program.

From Hazard Identification to Safety Success: The Good Catch Program

At InfraSource, safety isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a way of life. The Good Catch program was put in place as a testament to InfraSource’s dedication to safety and The Capacity Model. Our team must consistently demonstrate close attention to detail, professionalism, and systematic approaches to identifying hazards.

Several field crews have recently gone above and beyond to make a “Good Catch.” These efforts not only ensured everyone’s safety by eliminating hazards but also helped build the capacity to fail safely.

Our first Good Catch program success story comes from one of our electric foremen. One seemingly normal day, while the crew was at work, he noticed something off about a nearby power pole. He went to check out the scene and quickly realized an old secondary service line was disconnected from a nearby garage. He immediately alerted the client and crew of this unsafe condition. His crew then properly de-energized the line, as there were live, exposed connections about four feet above the ground, and ultimately disconnected the service cable.

Next is an instance from one of our recent projects which was aimed at replacing a tangent-structured pole for a new recloser installation. As our crew was taking a job walk, not knowing what they would discover, they identified a deteriorated cross-arm brace on one of the adjacent power poles. One of the foremen rushed to warn the utility construction manager of this hazard. The crew then took corrective measures to clear the hazard, which, left untouched, would have posed a serious threat.

Lastly, we had a situation that occurred while our team was working on a double-circuit power pole. The crew promptly recognized that the adjacent power pole conductor needed to be correctly secured to the top of the porcelain insulator. This crew was quick to react, as they immediately exercised “Stop Work” authority. This allowed them to assess the situation, regroup, and then securely fasten the phase, which prevented costly unscheduled outages.

These prime examples of the Good Catch program highlight the true importance of having such programs in place. The Good Catch program isn’t just about preventing accidents; it’s about fostering a safety-first culture.

DCA’s Safety Person of the Year

Join us in celebrating Dewayne Ward, honored as DCA’s 2023 Safety Person of the Year! This prestigious award recognizes exceptional safety leadership across various domains. Whether spearheading innovative safety initiatives, implementing effective programs in the workplace, or positively impacting the community, recipients like Dewayne Ward exemplify dedication to safety excellence. 

Dewayne, an accomplished professional with over three decades of experience in the natural gas industry, started his career as a laborer. Through dedication, hard work, and a strong commitment to safety, he progressed from operator to general foreman, superintendent, area manager and ultimately became the Director of Operations.

Dewayne’s safety leadership shines through his unwavering commitment to being present in the field, regardless of competing business demands. Recognizing establishing and nurturing a safe work culture hinges on frontline employees, Dewayne directs the majority of his efforts toward them. His time spent on job sites—discussing hazards, implementing effective controls, fostering resilience in the face of challenges, and providing insights into the rationale behind field work—reinforces his commitment to employee safety and well-being.

One of Dewayne’s main focuses has been implementing safe driving techniques. As a result, he has personally overseen several safety initiatives that have improved the safety culture at InfraSource. Dewayne’s commitment to safe driving extends beyond the workplace to employees commuting daily. As a result, overall safety and well-being have improved, and at-fault vehicle incidents have decreased.

Dewayne’s remarkable contributions have significantly enhanced safety within the natural gas industry. His commitment to safety and quality has garnered respect and admiration from colleagues and peers alike. His lasting impact on the industry makes him the well-deserved recipient of the 2023 DCA Safety Person of the Year Award.